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A New Standard of Sustainability

Sustainably and efficiently supplying in-demand products and services at low cost, with the smallest carbon footprint of any competing products is the new frontier in smart growth and investment.

That’s where Green Horizon Opportunity Fund comes in. We utilize a multi-asset and cross-platform approach to diversify holdings and deliver positive impact to Opportunity Zones.

Platform #1

Sustainable Indoor Farming

The demand for environmentally sustainable, fresh and safe produce continues to rapidly gain traction from consumers.  Indoor hydroponic farming is displacing conventional sources of produce with fresher baby leafy greens supplied from energy-efficient greenhouses.

Sourcing locally-grown, contaminant-free non-GMO food is the biggest trend in the produce industry.  Growing and selling locally eliminates excessive trucking and transportation costs and increases consumer confidence in the safety and quality of their food.

It is estimated that more than 98% of all the lettuce consumed in the Northeast U.S. comes from out-of-state growers, primarily located in California and Arizona.  Products supplied via this long-distance supply chain, coupled with its labor-intensive growing and harvesting practices, impact both the product quality and safety, and add significantly to their costs and carbon footprint.

Sustainable indoor farming solves these concerns.  Products grown in hydroponic greenhouses thrive in a constantly-circulating, nutrient-rich solution, achieving optimum plant health and fastest growth.  Using indoor hydroponic and climate-controlled greenhouses, greens can be grown year-round and sold locally, with 20+ harvest cycles that use 90% less water than conventional farming techniques, without chemical pesticides or GMOs.

Platform #2

Renewable Carbon-Neutral Fuel

The U.S. sugar cane industry is facing a fundamental changeDue to public pressure to reduce air pollution, sugar producers are being forced to discontinue the long-standing practice of burning cane in the field to remove excess biomass.  This has resulted in more excess biomass coming to the sugar mills, reducing efficiencies of mill operations and resulting in ever-increasing piles of excess bagasse. With limited disposal options, sugar cane waste has thus become a major liability and cost to the sugar industry.

Transforming waste bagasse from a source of greenhouse gases into a sustainable, low-carbon-footprint fuel capitalizes on this opportunity.  Efficiently cleaning, refining, pelletizing and carbonizing sugar cane bagasse increases sugar mill efficiencies and reduces the environmentally-harmful practice of burning excess bagasse in the field.  

European power plans annually import approximately seven million tons of pellets from the US.  Bagasse pellets qualify as a carbon-neutral fuel, meeting European renewable fuel standards, and are produced from an agricultural by-product that is a truly sustainable and renewable source of biomass.

Platform #3

Clean Energy Aggregation

Historically, to ensure supplies of sufficient renewable energy to meet legislated goals, utilities offered long-term fixed price Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) to renewable energy developers.  Through these contracts, developers could secure financing sufficient to build their projects and meet supply obligations.

With the continued decline in renewable power costs, utilities and other buyers may no longer offer long-term PPAs.  Now, utilities and major users are instead purchasing blocks of committed power for shorter periods, ensuring that they are receiving the lowest prices available from the market. But without long-term off-take contracts, renewable energy developers can’t get funding to build and operate their projects.  This is resulting in a significant shortfall of renewable power supply.

By combining smaller sources of power into supply contracts with buyers, energy aggregators can provide the lowest possible cost of electricity to utilities, major investment-grade corporations, government entities and commercial and industrial customers.  With sufficient contracted sales, they can then provide a “synthetic PPA” to renewable power developers, allowing them to finance and build additional capacity.


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